Electronics is increasingly becoming part of everyday life. To ensure that electronics in your vehicle, for example, operates flawlessly it is comprehensively tested using inspection technology provided by the Kufferath Group.
Windows-based PC with an integrated 12” touchscreen in full HD
Connections: Wi-Fi, LAN, USB, Pin Probe, Programmable I/Os
Visual User Experience
Connector images, statistics, 2D-Map, Interactive Harness Drawing, Graphic Label Editor
H. Kufferath GmbH
Competence Center Moers
Thomas - Edison - Str.
47445 Moers - Genend
Tel. +49 2841 - 889 66 - 0
Fax +49 2841 - 889 66 - 10
Tomas Bodo
Tel. +49 2841 - 889 66 - 0
Fax +49 2841 - 889 66 - 10
Abraham Manrtinez
Tel. +11 52 656 257 0181
Mobil +11 52 1 656 104 7016
Mr. Jin Yi
Tel. +86 21 - 69 58 30 32